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The Ultimate Christmas Bookings Campaign

• Written by Colin Shove

Introducing The Ultimate Christmas Bookings Campaign

As the year come to a close no doubt you’ll be looking forward to a cracking December in the salon.

The problem is, the Christmas rush seems to start later every year. Clients often leave making their appointment till the last minute. Then, the problem is you spend the first half of the month waiting for it to happen and the second half working like crazy while turning people away!

When we review previous years we see that in the majority of cases, salons don’t see a meaningful increase until the second half of the second week in December. This clearly leaves less time to capitalise on the year-end.

A good number of Salon App clients run the Ultimate Christmas Bookings Campaign and this year is no exception.

Breaking it down

The campaign is broken down into three parts:

  • VIP Clients: Contact your highest value clients in October and offer “priority booking” for a two-week period.

  • After two weeks contact the remainder of your active clientele (excluding those already booked) and tell them you are very busy and want to ensure they are able to book in the busy season.

  • After three weeks (early November) run the second campaign again to clients not yet booked in the run-up.

The results

It sounds really simple, right? That is because it is. Here are some comments from a couple of clients.

Mark Murray from Cruz said:

"We ran this initial VIP offer on Friday and took 30 pre-Christmas appointments before we closed at 5pm."

Sally Priscott from Honeys Hair & Beauty said:

"I ran the Christmas Bookings campaign last year and was so impressed with the results I decided to run it earlier this year. I sent The VIP invitation 3 weeks ago and have taken 133 pre-Christmas bookings so far. I sent the second campaign to the remainder of my clients last week and so far we have booked another 175 pre-Christmas appointments. My pre-booked revenue for December is almost 70% of last December's sales."

Rebekah Todd from Michael Todd Hairdressing said:

"We ran part 1 (the VIP offer) on Wednesday and have taken an extra 27 pre-Christmas appointments within 2 days and counting!"

If you would like to know more about boosting your end-of-year sales and lengthening your Christmas rush watch the Ultimate Christmas Bookings Campaign webinar here.

Good luck!

Written by Colin Shove

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