Reports & Dashboards

Know your numbers. Grow your salon.

Powerful salon business reporting to provide you with key insights required to track performance, increase revenue and get time back.

Online booking on mobile device

Monitor your business

Monitor your business with clarity and ease. Our user-friendly reports provide you with key metrics that will help you make informed decisions and drive your business forward.

Calculate commissions

Simplify team commission calculations with The Salon App's comprehensive reporting. Keep track of client numbers, service and retail sales with ease.

Analyse sales

Maximise Your salon's potential with The Salon App's segmented sales analysis, accurate productivity calculations, and performance forecasting.

Track team performance

Empower your team to reach their potential with The Salon App's detailed team member performance metrics: sales figures, rebooking rate, average bill, and client reviews at your fingertips.

Performance dashboard

A clear overview of your business performance in 4 simple charts. Team productivity and capacity, revenue per hour, rebooking percentages, and clients buying retail. All can be segmented by team members and days of the week.

Track producitity

Track productivity by the hour, day and team member. Identify how many hours are used and lost.

Analyse sales

Sales Analysis will display hourly revenue by team and day of the week.

Analyse rebookings

Analyse your rebook rate by team member and day of the week.

Track sales

Track the percentage of clients buying retail products at a glance. Often referred to as "Care Factor Metrics".

Performance dashboard

Finance reports

Finance reports give you a complete understanding and view of your business. Check end of day and week totals, client account balances, petty cash and calculate prebooked revenue to accurately calculate future sales.

Services and retail breakdowns

Separate service and retail revenue by team members and offset gift card, deposit and bundle redemption in one simple view.

Payment reports

Access a simple payments type summary.

Refunds & petty cash

Refunds and petty cash payments are listed providing you with an accurate banking figure ans the flick of a switch.

Finance summary
Salon Success Score

Find out your Salon Success Score now!

Learn practical tips to increase profits, keep your clients happy, and make your salon stand out.

Sales reports

Will give you a clear picture of how team members are performing. Track client numbers as well and service and retail sales all able to be segmented by one or some team members. Track which team members are performing well and identify any training needs in others.

Team service & retails sales

Track service and retail sales by team members.


See redemptions clearly displayed.

Giftcards & deposits

Measure gift card and deposit sales all on the same page.

Team sales breakdown

Service and product breakdowns

See which service and treatment groups are performing well. Understand how much time is spent on service groups and then compare that to the revenue. Make informed decisions on what is working well and what needs to change. See which products are selling out, who is selling them and which lines need consideration. Use valuable information to maximise your retail sales and optimise your stock holding.

Sales summary

Simple sales summary dashboard display revenue flow graphs.

Top sellers

Identify top selling services and products.

Sales summary

Booking reports

Understand all things bookings! Measure no-shows and cancellations. Make informed decisions on deposits and cancellation policies. See how many of your appointments are made online as opposed to those made traditionally. Information available immediately on demand from any device.

Prebooked revenue

Track prebooked revenue and see how well your business has done to date and what the pre booked revenue is.

Cancellations & no-shows

Track the quantity and value of cancellations and no-shows.

Bookings dashboard

Access your bookings dashboard and see what percentage of clients book online.

Prebooked revenue report