The Client Frequency Accelerator

• Written by Colin Shove

The Client Frequency Accelerator

A reliable solution to get your clients coming back sooner.

I have lost count of the times a client would arrive for their appointment only to tell me they have been meaning to book for ages but just haven't gotten around to it. Sound familiar?

I understand, life gets busy but that doesn't help when you are trying to build a successful salon business.

Why it matters?

For example: let us assume you have an average bill of £50 and your clients visit an average of every eight weeks? If you had 150 clients you would take about £48,750 annually approximately £4060 a month.

If your clients increased their visits to seven weeks, they would spend an extra £7000. Multiply that by the number of staff in your team and you have your answer.

Ave BillFrequencyAnnualMonthly
£508 Weeks£48,750£4060
£507 Weeks£55,714£4642

In an ideal world, all of your clients would book before leaving the salon. But reality isn't always so convenient. This is why The Client Frequency Accelerator exists – a reliable system to boost how often your clients visit, making your salon more efficient and profitable.

Here’s how it works:

Send a message to your regular clients who last visited six weeks ago and have not yet made their next appointment reminding them it is time for them to book their appointment.

It is as easy as that:

No flashy offers needed here. A simple, friendly reminder that nudges your client to book their next appointment and watch your diary fill up.

Communication style options:

Phone: contacting clients personally is a lovely touch, but be mindful it is a serious time commitment. The majority of calls go unanswered which leaves voicemail, or having a strategy to manage callbacks.

Email: is great because it can be sent to a selection of clients in one action reducing the amount of time required. You can easily add book online buttons and call me links making it easy for your clients to take action. The one caveat is, open rates are typically quite low so not all clients will see your email.

Text: is a quick and reliable solution. Like email they can be sent to multiple recipients in one action. The open rate is almost 100% with over 90% being read within seconds which suits a time sensitive campaign like this. One thing to be aware of is that a text message will be far shorter so you’ll need to be concise and to the point.

What to include in your message:

Personalisation: your client's name. Addressing your client by name is a must. You will be contacting regular clients and it makes a huge difference to speak to them like you know and remember them.

WIIFM (What's In It For Me): Get straight to the point. Give examples about why it will benefit your client to book sooner than later.

CTA (Call to Action): Encourage clients to book their next appointment promptly and include a book online link and or call now.

The Results:

Salon owners report approximately 30% of clients booking within three weeks of receiving The Client Frequency Accelerator campaign.

Ready to Automate?

The Salon App offers all-in-one booking, management and marketing software that helps you grow your business more quickly. The Client Frequency Accelerator is one of many automatic smart marketing campaigns included. Book a demo today to see how it can work for you.

Written by Colin Shove

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