Motivate your Salon Team

• Written by Colin Shove

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Happy New Year!

Welcome to the start of a new year and a new decade.

For many January is a time of enthusiasm and resolutions. Intentions to be better than we were, thoughts and goals.

As the year gets under way this can diminish quickly resulting in a pretty quiet time.

Capturing that enthusiasm and encouraging it in your team will make increased energy more likely. One way to achieve this is to start a drive that involves the whole team. Whether you call it a competition or league table isn’t that important as long as you do something.

Here are three simple suggestions to get the new year off to a roaring start.

Avoid anything overly sales driven and get your team gradually involved as opposed to hitting them hard when they are back at work after a holiday.

  1. Re-bookings are at their highest during October and November outperforming the rest of the year in most salons. Create a prize for any team members who exceed their November re-booking percentage in January. Imagine if your team rebooked at that rate all year round? Why wait till Christmas.
  2. Technical services are also at high in December . Offer a prize to any team member who exceeds the percentage of tech services (or any other that works) during January and February.
  3. Do the same with your teams retail percentage. You may well be carrying some excess stock into the new year so why not offer a 3 for 2 and incentivise your team to see who can shift the most?

These simple ideas encourage maintaining the great salon team performance at the end of the year and continuing the same habits into the start of a new one.

Boosting advanced booking, technical services and retail will kickstart your new year and motivate your team.

Give it a try and let us know how you get on.

Written by Colin Shove

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