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How to Turn New Clients into Loyal Ambassadors for Your Salon: A Proven Retention Strategy

• Written by Colin Shove


For salon owners, new clients are the lifeblood of growth. While existing clients make up the bulk of sales, the key to expanding your salon’s revenue lies in attracting—and retaining—new clients. In this post, we’ll explore how to turn new visitors into repeat customers, and even long-term ambassadors for your salon, using a reliable client retention strategy.

Why Focus on New Clients?

We define a new client as someone who has visited your salon fewer than three times. The reason? Clients who return for three or more visits are far more likely to stay with you long-term—often as much as 10 times more likely. This makes it crucial to get as many new clients as possible to come back at least three times.

New clients may only make up around 10% of your total sales, but they represent your biggest opportunity for growth. Without a steady influx of fresh clients, your salon’s future success is at risk. For your business to thrive, you need more clients joining than leaving, which is why consistently tracking client numbers is essential.

The Power of Counting Clients

The number of clients you see each week is one of the most important metrics for your salon, but it’s often overlooked. It’s simple but crucial: without tracking, it’s impossible to measure growth effectively.

In my work with salon owners, I always begin by asking, “What would your monthly revenue need to be in one year for you to consider it a successful year?” From there, we reverse-engineer the steps required to hit that goal by looking at past data.

For example, if your current monthly revenue is £10,000, and your goal is to double it to £20,000 in a year, you’ll need to add 182 extra appointments each month. That might sound overwhelming, but when broken down, it comes to about 3-4 new clients a week. Suddenly, it seems more achievable!

By consistently tracking these numbers—how many clients you have, how many are new, and how they’re growing—you create a clear picture of your business’s progress. And as they say, “Where attention goes, energy flows.” Monitoring these stats regularly leads to noticeable growth.

The New Client Experience

If we agree that new clients are your biggest opportunity for growth, the next question is: who should be responsible for looking after them?

Rather than assigning new clients to whoever is available, consider creating a specialised role—your New Client Expert. This role is designed to showcase your salon at its best. The goal is to create an exceptional experience that makes your salon stand out and convinces new clients to return.

What Does the New Client Experience Look Like?

To impress new clients from the start, think about what would blow you away if you were visiting a salon for the first time. The details matter:

  • A warm greeting
  • A personalised consultation
  • Use of their name throughout the appointment
  • Offering advice on how to manage their hair at home
  • Demonstrating products and techniques
  • A great selection of refreshments and reading materials

Once you’ve outlined the ideal experience, ask yourself: does every new client receive this level of care? If not, it’s time to implement a New Client Roadmap—a structured set of steps to follow for every new client, ensuring consistency and quality.

The Concierge Consultation Form

To help your team provide a personalised experience, consider introducing a Concierge Consultation Form for new clients. This form can be sent ahead of time or completed in the salon and provides your team with valuable insights before the appointment even begins. Information like refreshment preferences, conversation style, product interests, and new look ideas can make a world of difference in how a client feels.

With the form completed, your team is better equipped to offer an outstanding experience, and you can monitor whether these steps are being followed.

The New Client Retention Sequence

The goal after a new client’s first visit is simple: get them back for a second appointment. To maximise this, implement a series of carefully timed messages to encourage return visits. Here’s a tried-and-tested sequence:

  1. Courtesy Message (Same Day)
    Thank the client for their visit, but avoid pushing for another booking. This message is purely to welcome and reassure them that they made the right choice.

  2. Reminder Message (4 Weeks Later, if no second visit)
    Encourage them to book their next appointment, highlighting that your salon gets booked up quickly. Include an easy link for booking online or by phone.

  3. Chaser Message (4 Weeks After Reminder, if no booking)
    Offer a small incentive, like a discount or gift, to encourage them to rebook.

  4. Non-Returner Message (4 Weeks After Chaser, if no booking)
    Make an irresistible offer—something that’s hard to say no to—to get the client back in the salon.

By nurturing these relationships through thoughtful, personalised messages, you significantly increase the chances of a client returning for a second visit.

The Second Visit Sequence

Once a client has visited twice, your next priority is to secure that all-important third visit. After the second appointment, send another series of messages to keep up the momentum:

  1. Pre-Visit Reminder
    A personalised message confirming their second appointment, letting them know you’re looking forward to seeing them again.

  2. Second Visit Courtesy Message
    Thank them for coming back, and remind them you’re always available if they need anything.

  3. Reminder Message (4 Weeks Later, if no third visit)
    Encourage them to book again, noting that time flies and it’s been four weeks since their last visit.

  4. Chaser Message (4 Weeks Later)
    Offer a small incentive to encourage rebooking.

  5. Non-Returner Message
    Make one last irresistible offer to get them back for that crucial third visit.

The Key to Long-Term Retention

Our data shows that if a client returns for a third visit, they’re highly likely to stay with your salon long-term—often for as many as 11 visits. With an average bill of £55, that’s a lifetime value of over £600! The investment in retaining new clients pays off significantly, making these sequences a critical part of your growth strategy.

By focusing on tracking your clients, improving their experience, and following up with personalised retention sequences, you’ll not only increase your sales but also build long-lasting relationships with your clients. After all, turning new clients into loyal ambassadors is the secret to sustainable growth for your salon.

Now it’s time to put these strategies into action! Keep an eye on your client numbers, implement a New Client Expert role, and follow the retention sequences to ensure your salon is thriving for years to come. Watch the full workshop video here

Written by Colin Shove

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